
new posts

I'm finally able to post the new entries of towa^__________^:

2011/01/08 [00:18:17]


Healing for everyone-
I finally was at the beauty salon again! It's as pretty as I expected!

Today was really really tirering!

It seems that infull is very popular right now, so please be careful

By the way
The GANTZ theater play starts soon!
(note: GANTZ is a very popular manga and anime in Japan)

I guess it'll be the same story as the movie,

it'd be wonderful to know how they brought it on stage!!

In the anime, the guys would just come out of the black ball;but it's impossible for stage
I'm really excited-

2011/01/09 [05:23:41]


I practiced songs for dinner

And I finally played Monhan again and it's already morning!

I hunted the dominant Narugakuru with all my strength-


I was too strong and died many times

It's difficult to become dominant when you're all alone!

I got asked why I always name my blogs [A](laugh)

So I'll name it [I] from next time-
(note: the Japanese alphabet goes like a-i-u-e-o-ka-ki...and so on)

Good night☆

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